Los Libros en Español
Los Libros en Espanol
Many of Carol’s books are written with English on the left page and Spanish on the right, with photos on both pages. Her work as a bilingual educator has taught her again and again how important sharing and communication is between peoples.

Golden-Browed Chlorophonia
Carol’s photography speaks for itself, but her elegant prose speaks to people of all ages. Her work is meant as a bridge between Spanish Speakers and English speakers everyone can enjoy them
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What Is A Squirrel Monkey?: ¿Qué Es Un Mono Ardilla?
Feed me! No, Feed Me! No, ME!: O Dame la comida. ¡No, dámela! ¡No, me!
Rescued by a Boy: Salvado por un chico
Ronnie’s Reach: El Alcance de Ranai
Why Did I Do Tricks For Luis? / ¿Por Que Le Mostre Mis Trampas a Luis?
Are My Eyes Bigger than My Stomach / Son Mas Grandes Los Ojos Que El Estomago?
Black Is Brave And Bold / El Negro Es Valiente Y Audaz
Who Cares About Our Colors? / ¿A Quien Le Importan Nuestros Colores?
Why Do I Have To Take A Bath? / Por Que Tengo Que Banarme?
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