Curriculum Vitae
Curriculum Vitae
* Canfield High School, Canfield, Ohio, diploma, June 1959
* Hiram College, Hiram, Ohio, B.A., 1963 major in Spanish, 1959-1963
* Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, M.A. in Spanish, 1965 attended 1963-1965, Teaching Associate
*University of California at San Francisco, graduate study, 1972, lectures in embassies throughout South America plus the project: Architectural Eccentricities in South America
* Lynn University, Boca Raton, Florida Graduate study
Ecology Studies:
* Rainforest Workshop for Teachers, Boston
* Rainforest Workshop for Teachers, in Costa Rica, led by Charlie Gomez, biologist, guide, birder
* Galapagos Islands course in evenings after visiting islands
also extensive reading on wildlife, nature, and ecology for many years
* Universidad de Zaragoza, Zaragoza, Spain, graduate study, 1970
* University of California at San Francisco, graduate study, 1972
* Lynn University, Boca Raton, Florida graduate study

Squirrel Monkey
* Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, 1963-1965, Teaching Associate
Ecology Studies:
*Rainforest Workshop for Teachers, Boston
* Rainforest Workshop for Teachers, in Costa Rica, led by Charlie Gomez, biologist, guide, birder
* Galapagos Islands course in evenings after visiting islands
* Extensive reading on wildlife,nature, ecology for many years
* Mandor Grant
* Dena and Daniel Man Janusz Korczak Faculty Award
* DeWitt E. & Vera M. Hooker Fellowship for 2002, Florida Council of Independent Schools
* Arvida Grant for Excellence in Teaching
* Danforth Associate, appointed by Danforth Foundation
* Graduated cum laude; with distinction (departmental honors)
* Alpha Society (grade point average), Hiram College
* President and member, Phi Sigma Iota (National Romance Language Honorary)
* Kappa Delta Pi (National Education Honorary)
* National Spanish Honorary Society.
* National Honor Society, Canfield High School, Canfield, Ohio.

* Florida Foreign Language Association, Teacher-Made Materials:
* Best of Show and 1st Place Needlecraft, 1998: original design, three-dimensional pictures of California missions.
* 1st Place Audio-Visual, 1998: slide program with script on Panama.
* Best of Show and 1st Place Needlecraft, 1997: original design, pictures of pyramids in Mexico.
* 1st Place Audio-Visual, 1997: slide program with script on Costa Rica.
* 1st Place Audio-Visual, 1996: slide program with script on El Salvador.
* Best of Show and1st Place Needlecraft, 1994: original design, three-dimensional mosque of Córdoba, Spain.
* 1st Place Audio-Visual, 1994: slide program on Day of the Dead in Mexico.
* Best of Show and 1st Place Audio-Visual, 1993: slide program on Guatemala.
* Best of Show and 1st Place Needlecraft, 1992: original design. sculptured pyramid of Tikal, Guatemala.
* 2nd Place Audio-Visual, 1992: multi-media project on Galapagos (slides, video, transparencies, readings).
* 1st Place Needlecraft, 1991: hanging ball displaying Galapagos pictures.
* 2nd Place Audio-Visual, 1991: video on Guatemala.
* Best of Show and 1st Place Needlecraft, 1990: hanging balls displaying pictures of Spain.
* 2nd Place Needlecraft, 1990: tuno costume, Spain.
* Best of Show and 1st Place Needlecraft, 1989: original design, picture of Santa Barbara Mission,

* Ricardo Pastor Poppe, “Don’t Go, Son” and “Wedding Night” (short stories)
* Raúl Salmón, “Three Generals” (play), with Mario Soria, Drake University
* Carlos Miguel Suárez Radillo, Social Significance in Contemporary Hispanic American Theater (406-page essay), with Mario Soria, Drake University
* Translated Spanish poems to English for students in English classes to use and as well as for Spanish students to recite in local and state competitions.
Newspaper Articles Published:
Articles published in newspaper chain in northeastern Ohio include:
* “Christmas in Mexico”
* “South America”
* “Guatemala Survives!” (after the earthquake)
* “In the Depths of Colombia”
* “Venezuela”
* “Wolves Find Home at Sanctuary”
* Two articles in the Saint Andrew’s Bulletin, on my adventures in the Galapagos Islands and in Costa Rica.
Above prior to current children’s photographic books on wildlife

* “Creative Strategies for Visual Learning Through the Graphic Organizing Software Inspiration 7”
* (co-presented with Angela Lodato) at the Florida Council of Independent Schools, Jacksonville, Florida, November 2002.
* “How to Study a Language: Skills for Students” and “Wonders of Latin America”
* Florida Foreign Language Association, Tampa, October, 1998
* “Panama: Bridge Between the Continents,”
Florida Foreign Language Association, West Palm Beach, October 1997
* “Treasures of Costa Rica,” Florida Foreign Language Association, Tampa, October 1996.
* “Guatemala and its Artesanía,”, Florida Foreign Language Association, Jacksonville, October 1994.
* “Creating a Project for Self-Renewal and Curriculum Enhancement: the Galapagos Islands,”
Florida Council of Independent Schools, Miami, November 1993
* “Darwin’s Enchanted Islands: the Galapagos,”
Florida Foreign Language Association, West Palm Beach, October 1993
* “Alternative Approaches to the International Studies Curriculum,”
International Education Conference, Council on International Programs,
University of North Carolina, Raleigh, January 24-25, 1984 (panelist)
* “Cross-Cultural and Multicultural Aspects of International Education,”
Association of American Colleges National Conference, Baltimore, February 26-28, 1981
* Slide lectures presented to a number of Rotary and Kiwanis Clubs, garden clubs, church groups, classes, Juvenile Evaluation Center, American Association of University Women.
Topics: “Guatemala,” “Central America,” “Spain,” “Northern Spain,” “Spanish Influence in California,”
“Christmas in Spain and Spanish America,” “Galapagos Islands,” “Ireland: Past and Present.”
Workshops/seminars attended:
* Rainforest Workshop for Teachers, Boston, July 1995.
* Rainforest Workshop for Teachers, Costa Rica, July and August of 1994.
* American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese pre-conference workshops, Los Angeles, August 1989.
* Rassias Workshop for Foreign Language Teachers, Asheville, September 1985.
* Florida Foreign Language Association
* American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese.

Redfooted Honey Creeper
* Led study tours of staff, students, and others in Spain, Guatemala, and El Salvador.
* Planned visits to art museums.
* Led staff/student field trip to Ohio for El Greco of Toledo Exhibition.
* Traveled in: Spain, Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Peru, Ecuador, Galapagos Islands, Chile, Argentina, Brazil, Venezuela,
* Caribbean Islands, British Isles, Europe, Canada
* Extensive travel 2-3 times a year through Costa Rica and Panama, since 1992

Red eyed tree frog
Studies in Ecology:
* Rainforest Workshop for Teachers, Boston
* Rainforest Workshop for Teachers, in Costa Rica, led by Charlie Gomez, biologist, guide, birder
* Galapagos Islands course in evenings after visiting islands also extensive reading on wildlife,nature, ecology for many years
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