Why Do I Have To Take A Bath? / Por Que Tengo Que Bañarme?
Why Do I Have To Take A Bath? / Por Que Tengo Que Bañarme?
by Carol Creager
Preview Pages in Spanish and English
Why? Birds cannot fly unless they keep their feathers clean by frequent bathing and careful grooming.
Even ground birds such as these have to be able to fly in an emergency, to escape danger, or to find another swamp with more food.
“Why Do I Have To Take a Bath?” in English and Spanish teaches children about animal behaviors in nature and the importance of preserving wildlife.

Why is it important to take a bath? Dedicated to all those who question the need to be clean. Birds have to learn this lesson early in their lives, but do all mammals (including humans) know the answer?
Dedicated to all children who enjoy my books and want to read them, or to have others read the books to them. My mother always read to me when I was too young to read.
By law (at that time), I was sent to school at the age of 5 and could not learn to read. My mother finally sat down with me and taught me to write my full name.
By 5th grade, I caught up with and surpassed the other students. Don’t be discouraged if you are slow to learn at first; you can learn eventually and you can learn many other skills.