Who Is My Best Friend
Who Is My Best Friend
by Carol Creager | Photographer: Nick Katris

My best friend is so amazing that I had to write about our lives together and how two people (As an Italian greyhound, I am a person too, aren’t I?) who are so different can get along so devotedly. How do I entertain myself when my best friend is working? How do we entertain ourselves when he is not working? Nick Katris has photographed me as well as caring for me. Of course, I must humbly say that I am very photogenic and adorable.
The answers are to be found in WHO IS MY BEST FRIEND?
I am so privileged to be the hero of a series of books about my life, my master, my friends, and my travels. Nick Katris, my master, has photographed me as well as caring for me. Of course, I must humbly say that I am very photogenic and adorable, a superb example of a miniature Italian greyhound, an outstanding breed of dog. Carol Creager has immortalized me by putting my thoughts on paper; she truly understands me. Thank you, Carol and Nick. – Your devoted friend, Seeley, the Italian greyhound
This book made me even more appreciative of having Seeley in my life. – Nick
Seeley is just such a character that he demanded I write about him. I was eager to comply with his wishes. I have been a pushover for dogs since my brother gave me my first dog when I was a young child. Dogs always came to me as well. I have had a number of mixed breeds, several mostly collies, a couple of German shepherds, and two Siberian huskies, remarkable for their vocal range and quick learning abilities. One learned immediately that when Mother and I barked (to hint to her) she had to rush to the door to greet the visitor.
Dogs have their own ways of communicating as well as learning. One male I had astounded me: I was holding his puppy’s dish and calling him to return from the neighbor’s while his father was begging for the food. I turned to him and said, “You call him to come.” Laddie immediately barked once, and his pup rushed back. Laddie looked so smug. What happened to the other puppies? They disappeared two by two while we searched frantically for them. One day a neighbor called to say she recognized him slowly leading two puppies to her door, then dashing away as soon as he saw her. (She kept one.) He had his own way of finding homes for them.
I simply could not resist my first Italian greyhound when he begged to be the hero of a series of books about his life and adventures. – Carol Creager, Interpreter
Read about Seeley’s connections with his master Nick and what they do to enjoy their lives together.
Every day is an adventure. Live and enjoy it. I love my life with my best friend, the most wonderful person, Nick – Seeley
Carol Creager has spent more than fifty years communicating with her dogs, so she found it easy to understand Seeley’s connections with his master Nick and what they do to enjoy their lives together.

To whom do you think I am dedicating this book? My very best friend, Nick Katris, of course. Besides, I want to be sure that he keeps appreciating and taking care of me.
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