Who Cares About Our Colors? / ¿A Quien Le Importan Nuestros Colores?

Who Cares About Our Colors? / ¿A Quien Le Importan Nuestros Colores?

by Carol Creager

Who Cares About Our Colors? / ¿A Quien Le Importan Nuestros Colores? by Carol Creager
Who Cares About Our Colors? / ¿A Quien Le Importan Nuestros Colores? by Carol Creager

Preview Pages in Spanish and English


Who Care About Our Colors teaches how wildlife doesn’t care about fur or skin color.  We are variegated squirrels, of different colors despite being the same species, just as humans have diverse colors, living in Costa Rica.  We have adapted to modern life, using barbed wire fences as our highways, which avoids accidents.  Too bad that you humans cannot do it. – Del and Ardy, las Ardillas  (Squirrels)

The colors of the rainbow were created by God, but so was Black. God must love black just as much as colors, or there would not be so many creatures that are black or very dark.

Why are humans less wise than animals? So many of us have difficulty accepting that surface colors are interesting but irrelevant. What we are in our minds, hearts, and morals are what matters, not surface coloration. How we behave is who we are. – Carol Creager

How can anyone care about something as superficial as skin color? It is like discriminating about hair or eye color. It is interesting and easier to describe someone, but it is superficial and unimportant. It is past time we learn to accept that race, religion, and gender are unimportant and that we are all created equal.

Dedicated to my cousins Ardyce (Ardy) and Chuck Paff and their daughter Wendy, who is writing about her ancestors. It is also dedicated to my mother, Inez Naomi Paff, until she married John W. Creager. My mother wrote two books about her early life for her family. My father wrote about his family. My nephew, Kevin Creager, is currently publishing books in a variety of genres. Writing seems to run in the family.


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