Sloths Are So Stubborn
Sloths Are So Stubborn
by Carol Creager
Preview Pages in Spanish and English

Sloths are So Stubborn tells the story of a young sloth destined for big things the jungle was not big enough for him, he was going to be a traveling sloth just not a very fast traveler.
Why are sloths so stubborn? How do you think they have survived so long? A real adult sloth could not be stopped from repeatedly climbing down the bank to cross a major highway across the mountains of Costa Rica. He saw a female, and nothing can stop a male sloth from crossing a highway or a river to reach a female. Sloths actually swim very well, although they seldom do so. This male even tumbled on his head while trying to hang on to the steep cement roadside. I lifted him back up. All he did was crawl along to another spot to climb down. After we repeated this scenario five times, I finally carried him hastily across the road.
I photographed the entire story, except when I was lifting and carrying him. Unfortunately, after pointing him out to me, my guide took a trail too steep for me, so no one was there to photograph us together. The sloth did not react to my lifts, but he dug a claw into my back for security when we crossed the highway. As always, with my books, I let the sloth tell the story from his point of view of my interference in saving his life.
The Sloth series is a REAL-FAVORITE among Children of All Ages.