Rescued by a Boy / Salvado Por Un Chico
Rescued By a Boy/
Salvado Por Un Chico
by Carol Creager

RESCUED BY A BOY: A Mischief and McGuffey Travel Adventure
Talamanca Nature Reserve is located in the Talamanca Mountains of Costa Rica. While our friends, Luis Barrantes and Nick Katris, climbed to the top of Chirripó, we stayed with Carol in nearby Talamanca Nature Reserve. She could not climb so high, and we could not leave her by herself. Nolan, being a sloth, slept the first day, while Carol carried us in her backpack. She photographs everything and has one or more photos on every single page.
To our astonishment, we were chased by a dog and saved by a friendly family in the Reserve. We adored the two boys and asked them to take us around a pool so we could sit in a stone chair on the other side. What a wonderful experience to add to a delightful day!
Mischief and McGuffey
When Mischief and McGuffey described their thrilling day viewing the gardens and meeting the boys, I decided to go with them the next time. One member of the family took all of us to a huge tree and even more gardens. He helped us a lot. The intrepid Mischief insisted on climbing a tree. McGuffey and I had to follow her. We were all stuck high above the ground. Help! The older boy climbed the tree to rescue each of us. I was so frightened, but Abuela (Grandmother) comforted me. Many people think I am ugly, but she said I was her favorite. She was so kind, as were the boys, I asked Carol if I could stay with them. She agreed. Mischief and McGuffey continued to travel with Carol, while I now live in Talamanca, where I am so happy! – Nolan
Because I cannot take animals from the wild to travel with me, I decided to take my plush friends with me to see Costa Rica and Panama. McGuffey had been reading about all the exciting places and wanted to see them for herself. Mischief likes to have adventures. Nolan only took one trip to Costa Rica, where he decided to live with the family in Talamanca.
Mischief and McGuffey are always ready to share their adventures with children, so Luis, Pepe, Nick and I take photographs of them on their travels. I write their stories because I have studied and traveled in Costa Rica since 1970 during my vacations from teaching. I have even traveled by narrow-gauge railway from the capital to the coast; that railway was destroyed many years ago by an earthquake. My extensive experience in photographing since childhood inspires me to share their stories with you readers. Whether or not you can travel, you will enjoy sharing their adventures through our books. Perhaps later you can visit Costa Rica as well. I hope you will help to conserve the wild areas and their wild creatures because all of us need the benefits, both practical and aesthetic, we gain through communing with nature. – Carol Creager

A marvelous Costa Rican family inspired this book. The two boys, Jérico and Noé, rescued two sloths from a dog and carried them around the pond at Talamanca Nature Reserve. Jérico climbed a tree to rescue all three sloths. Their uncle Kenneth helped with everything. Their cousin Josué took us to various gardens for photos. Their grandmother comforted the two-toed sloth. Their mother permitted me to use the material. Talamanca is truly a beautiful and remarkable place filled with kind people.
Una familia costarricense maravillosa inspiró este libro. Los dos muchachos, Jérico y Noé, rescataron dos perezosos de un perro y los llevaron alrededor del agua en los jardines del Hotel Talamanca, Costa Rica. Jérico subió un árbol a rescatar los tres perezosos. Su tío Kenneth me ayudó con todo. Su primo Josué nos llevó a los jardines para sacar las fotos. Su Abuela cuidó de Nolan. Su madre me permitió que usara todo para este libro. De veras, Talamanca es un sitio muy especial lleno de gente amable. -Carol Creager
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