Our Goal is Living Free in Peace / Nuestra Meta Es Vivir Libre En Paz

Our Goal is Living Free in Peace / Nuestra Meta Es Vivir Libre En Paz

by Carol Creager

Our Goal Is Living Free by Carol Creager
Our Goal Is Living Free by Carol Creager
A number of frog species of Costa Rica are identified. Their goal is to be free but responsible, earning their own food and place. They are grateful to be protected by the rangers and police so that they can feel safe. We all need to feel safe and protected by our police so that we can work and play without fear.
The frogs dedicate this book to their rangers and to all police, especially in the United States of America. Our police, with a few exceptions, are kind and considerate to those in trouble, youth, victims of illness or accident. We need police protection from crime and violence. All lives matter so very much. The improvements in police conduct and the rights of people from other backgrounds have been great, though there is always room for improvement for all of us. We must support our police while weeding out the very, very few who abuse their jobs. More and better training, less interference by a union to support vicious officers, more public support and appreciation for all the great policemen and policewomen!
God bless all of you dedicated police officers! Thank you.


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